Current issues


List of publications and translations of Dr. Sibila Ignatova


(some of the publications are also available in the electronic library of the Bulgarian National Institute of Justice).


  1. Consequences of illegal enforcement proceedings – issuance of incorrect judicial acts and violation of the debtor’s fundamental rights– In: Commercial and Obligation Law 7/2021 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The road to a national referendum to adopt a new constitution of Chile. Challenges in the adoption of the new Chilean Constitution– In: Society and Law 5/2021 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Unconstitutionality of Article 437, para. 4, sentence 2 of the Bulgarian Civil Procedure Code? – In: Commercial and Obligation Law 4/2021 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Public announcement of judicial acts on the website of the court– In: Commercial and Obligation Law 2/2021 (in Bulgarian)
  1. 100 years since the institutionalization of the European model of constitutional control. 100 years since the adoption of the Austrian Constitution and the establishment of the Austrian Constitutional Court – In: Society and Law 2/2021 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The exclusivity of the lawyer profession. Legal Tech services and the lawyer profession in Germany – In: Society and Law 9/2020 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Local elections in Germany and the election campaign for the US presidential elections in 2020 during COVID-19– In: Legal world 2/2020 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Statement of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption by the UN of the basic principles for the role of lawyers, translation from English to Bulgarian– In: Bar review 9/2020 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Practice of Advocacy in Germany– In: Bar review 9/2020 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The COVID pandemic and how Germany deals with it. Restrictive measures for coronavirus. Emergency grant at federal and provincial level– In: Society and Law 4/2020 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The prohibition for appealing the general development plans under Art. 215, para. 6 of the Spatial Development Act – inconsistency with the Aarhus Convention and contradiction with the Bulgarian Constitution? – In: Property and Law 3/2020 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Financing of political parties. Problems of the new legislative procedure– In: Society and Law 1/2020 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Lawyer’s professional dress code at court sessions – In: Society and Law 9/2019 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Decision of the First Chamber of the First Senate of June 14, 2014 of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany on an individual constitutional complaint of a Bulgarian citizen– translation from English to Bulgarian– In: Society and Law 4/2019 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Principles of the lawyer’s profession– In: Scientific readings “Legal norms and legal principles” –Collection of papers from a scientific conference, organized by Department Theory and History of the State and Law and Department Criminal Law at the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, May 15, 2017, Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2017, p. 484-493 (in Bulgarian)
  2. The individual constitutional complain- Protection of fundamental rights in the Republic of Bulgaria-Opportunities for improvement– In: Society and Law 2/2014 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The individual constitutional complain- Protection of fundamental rights before the constitutional courts in Central and East Europe“– In: Society and Law 1/2014 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The individual constitutional complain–Protection of fundamental rights before the constitutional courts in Western Europe– In: Society and Law 10/2013 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The individual constitutional complain- Historical development and characteristics of the constitutional control“– In: Society and Law 9/2013 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Opportunities for improvement of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria in the field of protection of fundamental rights – in: Kirov, Pl. (ed.) Constitutional Studies 2012-2013 Constitutional protection of fundamental rights and freedoms – Constitutional changes – necessary and possible. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2014, p. 354-167 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The Constitutional Courts in Central and Eastern Europe and the protection of fundamental rights”- in: Kirov, Pl. (ed.) Constitutional Studies 2012-2013 Constitutional protection of fundamental rights and freedoms – Constitutional guarantees and mechanisms for protection of fundamental rights and freedoms. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2014, p. 320-340 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Protection of the environment in the light of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria from 1991 – in: Kirov, Pl. (ed.) Constitutional Studies 2012-2013 Constitutional protection of fundamental rights and freedoms – Social functions and legal nature of fundamental rights and freedoms. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2014, p. 153-167 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The Constitutional amendments in the light of Fundamental Rights – in: Kirov, Pl. (ed.) Constitutional Studies 2010-2011 – 20 Years After the Adoption of the Fourth Bulgarian Constitution – Constitutional Consensus and Constitutional Conflicts- Balance sheet of the constitutional revisions. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2014, p. 543-563 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Ways to protect fundamental rights in the 1991 Constitution – opportunities for improvement – in: Kirov, Pl. (ed.) Constitutional Studies 2010-2011 – 20 Years After the Adoption of the Fourth Bulgarian Constitution – Constitutional Consensus and Constitutional Conflicts. – Trends in constitutional and parliamentary practice. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2014, p. 361-384 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Constitutional Justice balance sheets for the past period and future perspectives – in: Kirov, Pl. (ed.) Constitutional Studies 2010-2011 – 20 Years After the Adoption of the Fourth Bulgarian Constitution – Constitutional Consensus and Constitutional Conflicts – Problems and challenges of the theoretical foundation. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2014, p. 155-188 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The European Charter of Human Rights and the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria 1991–In: Kirov, Pl., (ed.) National and European Dimensions of the Contemporary Constitutionalism. Vol. II, Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2010 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Issues of constitutional organization of the judiciary – In: Kirov, Pl., (ed.) National and European Dimensions of the Contemporary Constitutionalism. Vol. I, Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press 2010 (in Bulgarian)
  1. The constitutional complaint as a form of protection of human rights– In: Kirov, Pl., (ed.) 130 Years Bulgarian Constitutionalism – the Contemporary Tendencies. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2009 (in Bulgarian)
  1. Protection of fundamental rights in the Turnovo Constitution– In: Kirov, Pl., (ed.) 130 Years Bulgarian Constitutionalism – the Classical Problems. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2009 (in Bulgarian), p.

You can find the other publications of Dr. Sibila Ignatova in the Alternative for Legal and Economic research (in Bulgarian).