Corporate and Commercial Law

Among our clients local and foreign companies as well as individuals who are actively involved in business life.

gesellschaftsrechtPicOur services include:
• Advice on the establishment of new companies, their structure, their transformation, establishment of branches in compliance with all legal requirements.
• Structuring the business relationship, the development and implementation of trade agreements, creation of business partnerships.

Along with that, we provide services related to a company’s everyday activities to our clients
• Preparation of contracts and terms and conditions;
• Review of contracts and supplementation of the provisions in favour of the client;
• Participation in negotiations with trade partners of the client;
• Preparation of documents relating to the application for the award of contracts;
• Preparation of documentation in relation to the application in different public procurement procedures, advice and assistance to the client during the execution of the contract in accordance with the requirements of the Bulgarian Public procurement act;